Presentation to conferences

2019: Butikofer, E., E. Schüttler & J.E. Jiménez. Influence of the cat-owner relationship on cat behavior outside the home. Presented at the joint annual conferences of the North American Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Reno, Nevada, USA.

​2019: Lazaro, X.A., R. Mackenzie, B. Goffinet & J.E. Jiménez. Do birds disperse mosses? A case study of endozoochory in Sub-Antarctic Chile. Presented at the joint annual conferences of the Ecological Society of America and the United States Society for Ecological Economics, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

​2019: Wynia, A.L., V. Rolland & J.E. Jiménez. A novel device to best detect key woodpeckers: an experiment with the Magellanic Woodpecker. Presented at the 137th Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, Alaska.

​2018: Berkunsky, I., P. Quillfeldt, D.J. Brightsmith, M.C. Abbud, J.M.R.E. Aguilar, U. Alemán-Zelaya, R.M. Aramburú, A. Arce Arias, R. Balas McNab, T.J.S. Balsby, J.M. Barredo Barberena, S.R. Beissinger, M. Rosales, K.S. Berg, C.A. Bianchi, E. Blanco, A. Bodrati, C. Bonilla-Ruz, E. Botero-Delgadillo, S.B. Canavelli, R. Caparroz, R.E. Cepeda, O. Chassot, C. Cinta-Magallón, K.L. Cockle, G. Daniele, C.B. de Araujo, A.E. de Barbosa, L.N. de Moura, H. Del Castillo, S. Díaz, J.A. Díaz-Luque, L. Douglas, A. Figueroa Rodríguez, R.A. García-Anleu, J.D. Gilardi, P.G. Grilli, J.C. Guix, M. Hernández, A. Hernández-Muñoz, F. Hiraldo, E. Horstman, R. Ibarra Portillo, J.P. Isacch, J.E. Jiménez, L. Joyner, M. Juarez, F.P. Kacoliris, V.T. Kanaan, L. Klemann-Júnior, S.C. Latta, A.T.K. Lee, A. Lesterhuis, M. Lezama-López, C. Lugarini, G. Marateo, C.B. Marinelli, J. Martínez, M.S. McReynolds, C.R. Mejia Urbina, G. Monge-Arias, T.C. Monterrubio-Rico, A.P. Nunes, FdP Nunes, C. Olaciregui, J. Ortega-Arguelles, E. Pacifico, L. Pagano, N. Politi, G. Ponce-Santizo, H.O. Portillo Reyes, N.P. Prestes, F. Presti, K. Renton, G. Reyes-Macedo, E. Ringler, L. Rivera, A. Rodríguez-Ferraro, A.M. Rojas-Valverde, R.E. Rojas-Llanos, Y.G. Rubio-Rocha, A.B.S. Saidenberg, A. Salinas-Melgoza, V. Sanz, H.M. Schaefer, P. Scherer-Neto, G.H.F. Seixas, P. Serafini, L.F. Silveira, E.A.B. Sipinski, M. Somenzari, D. Susanibarb, J.L. Tella, C. Torres-Sovero, C. Trofino-Falasco, R. Vargas-Rodríguez, L.D. Vázquez-Reyes, T.H. White Jr, S. Williams, R. Zarza & J.F. Masello. Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations. Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

​2018: Jara, R.F., R.D. Crego, F.J. Arellano, T.A. Altamirano, J.T. Ibarra, R. Rozzi & J.E. Jiménez. Breeding strategies of passerines in the world’s southernmost forests. Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

​2018: Russo, N.J., M.W. Robertson, R. MacKenzie, P. Arce, B. Goffinet & J.E. Jiménez. Consumption of bryophytes by montane Sub-Antarctic Birds. Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Canada.

​2018: Robertson, M.W., N.J. Russo, S.J. McInnes, B. Goffinet & J.E. Jiménez. Live tardigrades recovered from faeces of White-bellied Seedsnipe (Attagis malouinus). Presented at the 14th International Symposium on Tardigrada, Copenhagen, Denmark.

​2018: Sanchez-Ruiz, J., S. Moore, T. Contador, G. Graham, J. Kennedy & J.E. Jiménez. Assessing the effects of invasive salmonids on aquatic and riparian arthropod communities in the Robalo, a sub-Antarctic river in southern Chile. Aquatrop Conference, Tropical Aquatic Ecosystems in the Anthropocene, Quito, Ecuador.

​2017: Jones, M.K. & J.E. Jiménez. Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and Long Eared-Owl (Asio otus) diet in a Blackland Prairie in North-Central Texas. America’s Grasslands Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.

​2017: Jones, M.K., J.E. Jiménez, J.L. Baxter-Slye & K.L. Steigman. Comparative diet of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and Long Eared-Owl (Asio otus) in a Blackland Prairie in north-central Texas. Presented at the Texas Society for Ecological Restauration Annual Conference, Denton, Texas. First student poster presentation award.

​2017: Ojeda, V., T. Altamirano, B. Bonaparte, L. Bragagnolo, L. Chazarreta, K. Cockle, R. Dias, F. Di Sallo, T. Ibarra, S. Ippi, A. Jauregui, J. Jiménez, M. Lammertink, F. López, G. Núñez, M. de la Peña, N. Politi, L. Rivera, C. Vivanco, M. Santillán, G. Soto, P. Vergara, A. Wynia & A. Schaaf. [Cardinal orientation of cavities dug by birds in the Neotropics: relationships with environmental attributes at different scales.] Presented at the Ornithological Congress of the Americas. Puerto Iguazú, Argentina.

​2017: Wynia, A.L., R. Rozzi & J.E. Jiménez. How important is cavity provisioning by Magellanic Woodpeckers? A case study in the world’s southernmost forests. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society (135th) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (35th), East Lansing, Michigan.PAPERSBOOKSCHAPTERSOUTREACHREPORTSPRESENTATIONSTALKS

2017: Jusino, M.A., T. Lorenz, E.L. Walters, A. Wynia, M.T. Banik, J.M. Palmer, W.D. Koenig, N.D.G. Hagemeyer, J. Stitt, P. Fischer, K. Vierling, J.E. Jiménez, J.R. Walters & D.L. Lindner. Heart Rot Hotel 2: the next generation of tree cavities and fungi. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society (135th) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (35th), East Lansing, Michigan.

​2016: Crego, R.D., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. 2016. Seasonal dynamic habitat use suggests niche expansion of an invasive predator at the southernmost forests of the world. British Ecological Society, Liverpool, UK.

​2016: Rendoll Cárcamo, J., T. Contador, R.D. Crego, E. Schüttler, M. Gañán, J. Jiménez, C. Saldías, R. Rozzi, F. Massardo & J.H. Kennedy. [The recent invasion of the yellow jacket (Vespula vulgaris and V. germanica) in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve: current status and future actions]. First Chilean conference on Wild State Protected Areas, Temuco, Chile.

​2016: Saavedra, L., E. Schüttler & J. Jiménez. [Possession of domestic dogs and their consequences for wildlife in the Cabo de Horn Biosphere Reserve]. First Chilean conference on Wild State Protected Areas, Temuco, Chile.

​2016: Jara, R.F., R.D. Crego, J.W. Williams, F.J. Arellano, R. Rozzi & J.E. Jiménez. Nesting strategies of forest birds and the impact of a novel invasive predator in the world’s southernmost forest. Presented at the North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C.

​2016: Wynia, A.L., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. How to best detect Campephilus Woodpeckers at the southern end of the Americas. Presented at the North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C.

​2016: Williams, J.W., R. Rozzi, F. Massardo, R. Jara & J.E. Jiménez. Using field environmental philosophy to bring ornithology, ethics, and conservation together. Presented at the North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C.

​2016: Rozzi, R., J.W. Williams, T. Kono, A. Paredes-Castellanos, V. Castro, J.E. Jiménez, F. Massardo & O. Barroso. Long-term ornithological research and environmental ethics at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Chile. Presented at the Annual meeting the Ecological Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

​2016: Behling, E., T.E. Caviness, L.R. Lewis, B. Goffinet, R. Rozzi & J.E. Jiménez. Do birds consume and disperse bryophytes? Botany Conference, Savannah, Georgia.

​2016: Jiménez, J.E. & T. White, Jr. Nesting by the Slender-Billed Parakeet (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) in southern Chile in cavities of a potentially vanishing keystone resource: Nothofagus obliqua. 7th Southern Connection Conference, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2016: Jiménez, J.E., F. Fontúrbel & R. Rozzi. Forest bird population dynamics in space and time: Lessons from long-term monitoring in the world’s southernmost forests. Symposium Gondwana lessons from fine-scale, long-term bird vulnerability studies, 7th Southern Connection Conference, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2016: Homberger, G.D. & J.E. Jiménez. Reconstruction and modeling of the Gondwanan adaptive history of parrots:  The feeding ecology of the southernmost forest parrot, the Cachaña (Enicognathus f. ferrugineus). 7th Southern Connection Conference, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2016: Caballero, P., C. Saldías, V. Morales, K. Moses, L. Lewis, J. Williams, J. Rendoll, A. Núnez, M. Méndez, T. Contador, L. Cavieres, J.E. Jiménez, F. Massardo, B. Goffinet & R. Rozzi. Field environmental philosophy: Ecotourism with a Hand-Lens as a biocultural conservation approach linking ethics and sciences. 7th Southern Connection Conference, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2016: Williams, J., A. Paredes Castellanos, L. Aillapan, R. Jara Millar, V. Castro, F. Massardo, J.E. Jiménez, T. Kono & R. Rozzi. Metaphors in field environmental philosophy: Poetic communication surrounding ornithological knowledge at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, Chile. 7th Southern Connection Conference, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2016: Berchez, F., T. Contador, F. Massardo, N.P. Ghilardi-Lopes, E. Schwindt, K. Leite, P. Caballero, J. Rendoll, J. Ojeda, A. Mansilla, J. Kennedy, J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. Ecology, education, and conservation in tropical and sub-Antarctic protected areas of South America. 7th Southern Connection Conference, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2015: Caballero, P., C. Saldías, V. Morales, F. Massardo, J. Jiménez, T. Contador, K. Moses, A. Núñez, J. Williams, J.L. Célis-Diez, C. Frene, M. Núñez-Avila, J.J. Armesto & R. Rozzi. Field environmental philosophy: integrating environmental ethics and ecological sciences at LTSER-CHILE. Annual ILTER Conference, Rome, Italy.

​2015: Contador, T., R. Rozzi, F. Massardo, J. Kennedy, J. Ojeda, J. Rendoll, R. Crego, M. Méndez, R. Rijal & J. Jiménez. [Omora Ethnobotanical Park’s LTSERS: Integrating ecological sciences and environmental ethics in long-term socio-ecological research in Chile.] 22nd Annual Conference of the Chilean Ecological Society, Olmué, Chile.

​2015: Contador, T., R. Rozzi, F. Massardo, P. Caballero, Y. Medina, J. Ojeda, J. Rendoll, V. Morales, C. Saldías, K. Moses, O. Barroso, J. Jiménez & J. Kennedy. [Integrating ecological sciences and environmental ethics in the Omora Ethnobotanical Park.] First Annual Workshop of Researchers Conducting Long-Term Ecological Research in Chiloé: knowledge and future challenges, Senda Darwin, Chiloé, Chile.

​2015: Contador, T., R. Rozzi, F. Massardo, P. Caballero, Y. Medina, J. Ojeda, J. Rendoll, V. Morales, C. Saldías, K. Moses, O. Barroso, J. Jiménez & J. Kennedy. [Field environmental philosophy in the Omora Ethnobotanical Park: an integration of sciences and environmental ethics in ecotourism and biocultural conservation. 3rd Encounter of Science and Tourism, CIEP, Coyhaique, Chile. 

​2015: Jiménez, J.E., A. Wynia, R. Rijal & R. Rozzi. How long do birds in the southernmost forests of the World live? Maximun longevity estimates. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland.

​2015: Wynia, A.L. & J.E. Jiménez. The role of Magellanic Woodpeckers as a keystone species on Navarino Island, Chile. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland.

​2015: Crego, R.D., J.E. Jiménez, S. Castillo, M. Barceló, N.G. Carro & R. Rozzi. The synergic trio of exotic mammals at the southern end of the Americas: evidence of an invasional meltdown among beavers, muskrats, and mink on Navarino Island (55°S), Chile. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland.

​2015: Moses, K.P., A.K. Poole, T. Contador, V. Morales, F. Massardo, E.C. Hargrove, J.E. Jiménez, J.H. Kennedy, R.H. May Jr., J.J. Armesto & R. Rozzi. A US-Chilean partnership to link ecology and ethics for Earth stewardship: the biocultural conservation approach at Omora Park, LTSER-Chile. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland.

​2015: Rijal, R., J. Williams, S. Castillo, N. Jordan, J.E. Jiménez, R. Rozzi & T. Kono. Field Environmental Philosophy and Ecotourism in high latitude and altitude remote zones of Chile and Nepal. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland.

​2014: Piñeiro, A., J. Jiménez, J., R. Rozzi & R.A. Vásquez. [Arthropods abundance in the world’s southernmost forest at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park (55°S, Chile): relationships to the bird’s diet, climate and plan diversity]. 34th National Congress of Entomology, Santiago, Chile.

​2014: Castillo, S., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. How does ecology and ethics meet in tourism and conservation at the southernmost forests? 22nd International Long-Term Ecological Research Network Annual Coordination Committee Meeting and All-Scientists Meeting of the Americas, Ancud and Valdivia, Chile.

​2014: Moses, K., R. Rozzi, R. Rijal, J. Jimenez & J. Kennedy. Partners of the Americas: US-Chilean Student Exchanges Linking Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research and Sustainable Development at the Omora Park. 22nd International Long-Term Ecological Research Network Annual Coordination Committee Meeting and All-Scientists Meeting of the Americas, Ancud and Valdivia, Chile.

​2014: Weaver, R.N., A. Nuñez, R. Rijal, A. Poole, S. Fredericks, J. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. Field environmental philosophy and transformational discovery, education, and conservation processes at the southernmost LTSER-Chile site and beyond. 22nd International Long-Term Ecological Research Network Annual Coordination Committee Meeting and All-Scientists Meeting of the Americas, Ancud and Valdivia, Chile.

​2014: Raimilla, V., T. Rivas-Fuenzalida, A. Kusch, J. Día, J. Toledo, Á, García & J.E. Jiménez. [Incidence of cartwheeling flights in raptors in south-central Chile]. 11th Chilean Ornithological Congress, La Serena, Chile.

​2014: Rijal, R., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. Low forest bird migration proportions in sub-Antarctic and temperate forests of southwestern South America. 99th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Sacramento, California.

​2014: Jiménez, J.E., R. Rijal & R. Rozzi. Maximum recorded longevity of birds in the southernmost forests of the world. 26th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

​2014: Rozzi, R., J.H. Kennedy, T. Contador, A. Piñeiro, O. Barroso, R. Rijal & J.E. Jiménez. Diet of the passerine assemblage in the southernmost forests of the world, Omora Park, Cape Horn, Chile (55° S 67° W). 26th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

​2014: Rijal, R., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. Migration patterns of birds in the southern most forests of the world. 26th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

​2014: Piñeiro, A., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. A long-term study of passerine abundances in the southernmost forests of the world: the effects of species, migration, longevity, season, and year. 26th Annual Meeting of the International Ornithological Congress, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

​2013: Crego, R.D. & J.E. Jiménez. Assessing habitat preferences of invasive American mink (Neovison vison) using trap-cameras in Navarino Island, Chile. 98th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota.

​2013: Rijal, R., J.E. Jiménez & R. Rozzi. Spatial and temporal dynamics of bird assemblages in the sub-Antarctic forests of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. 98th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota.

​2013: Lizama, M.E., G.E. Soto, P.M. Vergara, R. Rozzi & J.E. Jiménez. Sexual differences in nest attendance by Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in the southernmost forest of the world. 98th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota.

​2013: Soto, G.E, P.M. Vergara, M.E. Lizama, R. Rozzi & J.E.Jiménez. Identifying tree attributes selected for foraging by Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. 98th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota.

​2013: Román, I., J.E. Jiménez, P. Vergara & R. Rozzi. Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) responses when approached by humans in the context of ecotourism. 98th Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minnesota.

​2013: Román, I., J.E. Jiménez, P. Vergara & R. Rozzi. Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) responses when approached by humans in the context of ecotourism. SACNAS 40th National Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

​2013: Román, I., J.E. Jiménez, P. Vergara & R. Rozzi. Developing sustainable ecotourism with the Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) as a charismatic species in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. 131st joint meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society. The Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois.

​2013: Mabe, J.A., J.H. Kennedy, J.E. Jimenez & R. Rozzi. Introduced muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) on Navarino Island, Cape Horn, Chile: physical signs, habitat associations, and interactions with introduced beaver (Castor canadensis). 36th Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology, Denton, Texas.

​2013: Contador, T., Y. Medina, J. Ojeda, M. Mendez, K. Moses, P. Caballero, F. Massardo, A. Mansilla, L. Cavieres, E. Hargrove, J. Jimenez, J. Kennedy, A. Poole & R. Rozzi. Field Environmental Philosophy: integrating ecological sciences and ethics into biocultural education and conservation. 36th Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology, Denton, Texas.

​2012: Soto, G.E., P.M. Vergara, M.E. Lizama, C. Celis, R. Rozzi, Q. Duron, I.J. Hahn & J.E. Jiménez. Do beavers improve the habitat quality of Magellanic woodpeckers? IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, Concepción, Chile.

​2012: Soto, G.E., P.M. Vergara, M.E. Lizama, J.E. Jiménez, C. Celis, Q. Duron & R. Rozzi. Habitat selection of the Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) in the Omora Park (55°S), Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. UFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, Concepción, Chile.

​2012: Soto, G.E., P.M. Vergara, M.E. Lizama, J.E. Jiménez, R. Rozzi & C. Celis. [Habitat use and home range of the Magellanic woodpecker on Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile.] 10th International Conference on Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America, Salta, Argentina.

​2012: Zúñiga, A. & J.E. Jiménez. [Spatial and temporal ecology of sympatric carnivores in the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range, southern Chile]. 19th Annual Conference of the Chilean Ecological Society, Concepción, Chile.

​2011: Fontúrbel, F.E. and J.E. Jiménez. [Connecting ecology with habitat management: the monito del monte Dromiciops gliroides as a model]. 54th Annual Conference of the Chilean Society of Biology, Puerto Varas, Chile.

​2011: Reyes-Arriagada, R., J.E. Jiménez, and R. Rozzi. [Daily activity patterns of the forest bird community on Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve]. 9th Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cusco, Perú.

​2011: Jiménez, J.E. and R. Rozzi. [How long do the southernmost forest birds live?]. 9th Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cusco, Perú.

​2011: Jiménez, J.E. [Reproductive ecology of the Choroy (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) in agricultural landscapes of southern Chile]. 9th Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Cusco, Perú.

​2011: Norambuena, H.V., V. Raimilla, and J.E. Jiménez. [Reverse mounting in the Rufous tailed-hawk (Buteo ventralis): Who mounts whom?]. 10th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago.

​2011: Reyes-Arriagada, R., J.E. Jiménez, and R. Rozzi. [Daily activity patterns of the forest bird community on Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve]. 10th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago.

​2011: Jiménez, J.E. and R. Rozzi. [How long do the southernmost forests birds live?]. 10th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago.

​2011: Jiménez, J.E. [Reproductive ecology of the choroy (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) in agricultural landscapes of southern Chile]. 10th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago.

​2011: San Martín, J.A. and J.E. Jiménez. [Urbanization effects on the bird assemblages in the Valdivian ecorregion]. 10th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago.

​2010: Jiménez, J.E. The Slender-billed conure (Enicognathus leptorhynchus): research and conservation strategies. 6th Parrots International Symposium, San Diego, California, USA.

​2010: Dardanelli, S., J.C. Pizarro, R. Rozzi, C.B. Anderson, J.E. Jiménez, and R. Molina. [Ten years of forest bird monitoring in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile: the banding program of OMORA Ethnobotanical Park,]. First Forestry workshop of southern Patagonia, Ushuaia, Argentina.

​2010: Carnerio, A.P., J.E. Jiménez, and T.H. White. 2010. Nest-site selection by the slender-billed conure (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) at multiple spatial scales in an agricultural matrix in southern Chile. 25th International Ornithological Congress, Campos de Jordao, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

​2010: Jiménez, J.E. and J. Martínez. Lack of evidence of predation by culpeo (Pseudalopex culpaeus) on huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus). 7th International Deer Biology Congress, Huilo-Huilo, Chile.

​2010: Jiménez, J.E. Status of the ecology and conservation of the southern pudu (Pudu puda). 7th International Deer Biology Congress, Huilo-Huilo, Chile.

​2010: Norambuena, H.V., V.A. Raimilla, and J.E. Jiménez. [Reproductive behavior of the Rufous-tailed hawk (Buteo ventralis) in the Araucanía Region, southern Chile]. 4th Binational Ecology Conference, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

​2009: Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., G.R. Ortega-Solís, and J.E. Jiménez. Conservation and ecological implications of habitat preferences by chilla foxes and free-ranging dogs in a human-dominated landscape in southern Chile. 6th Southeastern Conference in Ecology and Evolution, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.

​2009: Jiménez, J.E. [The curious and dramatic history of the Darwin’s fox,] presented at the International Carnivore Symposium 2009 – Complexities of Conservation Biology, organized by P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago.

​​2009: Fontúrbel, F.E., E.A. Silva-Rodríguez, N.H. Cárdenas, and J.E. Jiménez. [Spatial ecology of the monito del monte in a fragmented landscape of southern Chile]. 26th annual conference of the Chilean Society of Ecology, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

​2009: Jiménez, J.E. [Conservation of Chilean carnivores]. Conservation Medicine Symposium, 200 years after Darwin, organized by Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile.

​2009: Pacheco, L.F., L.F. Aguirre, I. Galarza, G. Gallardo, I. Moya, Á. Núñez, E. Pérez, F. Varela, and J.E. Jiménez. [Winners and losers in the conflict between mammals and people in Andean ranges of Bolivia]. 4th Mammalian Conference in Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia.

​2008: Fontúrbel, F.E. and J.E. Jiménez. [Conservation status of the Mouse opossum (Dromiciops gliroides  Thomas) Vulnerable or a sampling artifact?]. 3rd National Conference of Conservation Biology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

​2008: Fontúrbel, F.E. and J.E. Jiménez. Demystifying the rarity of the only extant Gondwanian Microbiotherid, the mouse opossum (Dromiciops gliroides). 88th American Society of Mammalogists Conference, University of South Dakota, Brookings, USA.

​2008: Jiménez, J.E. [Conservation of foxes in Chile: my experience with the Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes), a critically endangered canid]. Workshop on the Management and Conservation of Wildlife, organized by ECOVET and Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

​2008: Olarte, K., J.E. Jiménez, L.F. Pacheco, and G. Gallardo. [Activity patterns, home range and habitat use by the culpeo fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus) in Sajama National Park]. Bolivian Ecological Congress, Cochabamba, Bolivia.

​2007: Ortega-Solis, G.R., J.E. Jiménez, and E.A. Silva-Rodríguez. [Wild birds: myths, believes, and practices in a locality of southern Chile]. 8th Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Maturín, Venezuela.

​2007: Silva, E.A., G.R. Ortega, and J.E. Jiménez. [Habitat use and selection by forest birds in a landscape dominated by human activities in southern Chile]. 8th Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Maturín, Venezuela.

​2006: Silva, E.A., J.E. Jiménez, R.P. Schlatter, and G. Ortega. The importance of carnivores in the printed media in Chile and its relevance to conservation practice. 20th Annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, University of San Jose, San Jose, California, USA.

​2006: Silva, E.A., J.E. Jiménez, and G.R. Ortega. [Ecology of the chilla fox  Pseudalopex griseus in a landscape dominated by human activities]. 15th Annual meeting of the Chilean Society of Ecology. University of La Serena, La Serena, Chile.

​2006: Silva, E.A., J.E. Jiménez, J.C. Skewes, and G.R. Ortega. [Chilla foxes: poultry predators or mice controllers? Challenges for chilla conservation in agro-ecosystems in southern Chile]. First International Conference on Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: State of the Art and Future Challenges, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

​2005: Jiménez, J.E., P. Rutherford, C. Briceño, E. Leegwater, and S. Funk. The critically endangered Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes), where and how many are left? Combining field data and GIS modeling. 19th Annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brasil.

​2004: Jiménez, J.E., C. Briceño, E. Leegwater, K. Killian, P. Rutherford, and S. Funk. Assessing conservation risk for endangered Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) on Chiloé Island, Chile: the importance of space use, resource use and social organization of foxes and domestic dogs. 29th International Congress in Zoology, Beijing International Conference Center, China.

​2004: Leegwater, E., J.E. Jiménez, C. Briceño, A. Ossandón, and S.M. Funk. How to organize a volunteer program – challenges and opportunities for South American conservation programmes. 6th International Congress on Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America, Iquitos, Peru.

​2004: Briceño, C., S.M. Funk, I. Rodríguez, M. Soublette, A. Sisa, and J.E. Jiménez. [Role of domestic dogs as risk factors for the critically endangered Darwin’s fox, in southern Chile]. 6th International Congress on Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America, Iquitos, Peru.

​2004: Funk, S.M., C. Briceño, E. Leegwater, A. Ossandón, Patricio Rutherford, and J.E. Jiménez. How to determine the distribution and density in a cryptic species? The endangered Darwin’s fox on Chiloé Island, Chile. 6th International Congress on Wildlife Management in the Amazon and Latin America, Iquitos, Peru.

​2003: Jiménez, J.E. and A.M. Arriagada. [Impacts of salmon farming on bird assemblages in marine and lake ecosystems in southern Chile]. 7th Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Sponsored by the Neotropical Ornithological Society and the Chilean Ornithologists’ Union. Hotel Termas de Puyehue, Osorno, Chile.

​2003: Jiménez, J.E. and M. Finckh. [How many birds are there in Nahuelbuta National Park, Chile, and how they use the different forests?]. 7th Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Sponsored by the Neotropical Ornithological Society and the Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Hotel Termas de Puyehue, Osorno, Chile.

​2003: Arriagada, A.M. and J.E. Jiménez. [Behavioral changes in birds associated with the presence of salmon pens in the Lake Region of Chile]. 7th Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Sponsored by the Neotropical Ornithological Society and the Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Hotel Termas de Puyehue, Osorno, Chile.

​2003: Arriagada, A. and J.E. Jiménez. [Seasonal impact of salmon farming on bird assemblages in the Región de Los Lagos]. 23rd Marine Sciences Conference, Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile.

​2002: Arriagada, A. and J.E. Jiménez. [Bird communities associated to salmon farms in the Los Lagos Region: impacts on lacustrine and marine systems]. 22nd Marine Sciences Conference, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

​2001: Jiménez, J.E., M. Parada, and P. Cortés. Spatial ecology of the culpeo fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus) in the highland desert of northern Chile, Canid Biology and Conservation Conference, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

​2001: Jiménez, J.E. and W.E. Johnson. Energy requirements and local distribution of sympatric chilla (Pseudalopex griseus) and culpeo (P. culpaeus) foxes in South America, Canid Biology and Conservation Conference, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

​2001: Jiménez, J.E. and J.R. Rau. Ecology of the endangered Darwin’s fox in a fragmented forest in southern Chile, Canid Biology and Conservation Conference, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

​2000: Jiménez, J.E. and J.R. Rau. Ecology of the endangered Darwin’s fox in a fragmented forest in southern Chile. 14th annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA.

​2000: Jiménez, J.E. and J.R. Rau. Space use by the endangered Darwin’s fox in a fragmented forest in southern Chile. 80th annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA.

​1999: Jiménez, J.E. [Predation on duck nests in highly disturbed environments: the use of predictive models.] At 6th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile.

​1999: Figueroa, R.A., J.E. Jiménez, C.A. Bravo, and E.S. Corales. [Notes on the diet of the Rufous-tailed hawk (Buteo ventralis) during the breeding season in the Araucanía Region]. 6th Chilean Ornithological Congress, Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile.

​1999: Jiménez, J.E. and J.R. Rau. [Fall diet of the Darwin’s fox: a comparison within and outside Chiloé National Park]. 2nd Carnivore Workshop sponsored by the Livestock and Agricultural Bureau, Coyhaique, Chile.

​1999: Jiménez, J.E. [Resource partitioning in sympatric culpeos and chillas]. 2nd Carnivore Workshop sponsored by the Livestock and Agricultural Bureau, Coyhaique, Chile.

​1997: Jiménez, J.E., R.L. King, M.R. Conover, and T.A. Messmer. [Nest variables that affect hatching success in ground nesting ducks in the North American prairie]. 3rd Chilean Ornithological Congress, Santiago, Chile.

​1997: King, R.L., J.E. Jiménez, M.R. Conover, and T.A. Messmer. Supplemental feeding of predators to improve nesting success of waterfowl in the Prairie Pothole Region. 4th annual conference of the North American Wildlife Society, Snowmass, Colorado, USA.

​1997: Jiménez, J.E., R.L. King, M.R. Conover, and T.A. Messmer. What makes a duck nest successful? 115th annual meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.

​1996: Jiménez, J.E. Species richness and density estimates in a forest bird assemblage in southern Chile: Effects of three variables when using variable circular plots. Joint annual meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and the Raptor Research Foundation, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA.

​1996: Jiménez, J.E. Responses of pudus (Pudu puda, Artiodactyla: Cervidae) to human disturbances in Neotropical forests. 76th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA.

​1994: Jiménez, J.E. [The effect of three variables from the point count technique in estimating abundance and richness in a forest bird community on Chiloé Island]. 2nd Chilean Ornithological Congress, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile.

​1992: Jiménez, J.E., F.M. Jaksic, and J.A. Iriarte. [The raptors of Torres del Paine National Park: their ecology, community structure, and trophic guilds]. Symposium “A Patagonia gem, the ecology and natural history of a world biosphere reserve: Torres del Paine National Park, Chile”, Santiago, Chile.

​1990: Jaksic, F.M., J.E. Jiménez, and P. Feinsinger. Dynamics of guild structure among avian predators: competition or opportunism? Symposium “The generality of community concepts in Avian Ecology”, held in conjunction with the 20th International Ornithological Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand.

​1988: Jiménez, J.E. [Seasonal diet of Glaucidium nanum and its relationship with prey abundance]. 2nd National Ornithological Meeting, Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Punta de Tralca, Chile.